Argentine Tango - 2018
Click below link to watch more than a dozen videos from 2017 :-
Sacada, Volcada & Gancho - Ramiz Kadjar & Bob Petruso - Sept 8, 2018
It was challenging learning how to dance sacada into volcada into gancho correctly. I basically got the hang of it half way through the group class but need lots more practice to do it well.
Ochos & Flicks - Sterling Stickle - September 16, 2018
Sterling Stickle danced a complete tanda of 3 dances with me at the
milonga at Beachside Ballroom on September 16, 2018. It really helps
to dance with a veteran dancer !!
Giros, Sacadas, Paradas & Leg Wrap - Ramiz Kadjar - August 19, 2018
I looked as though I can socially dance Argentine Tango reasonably well whenever I dance with Ramiz because of his fabulous leads !!!
Cruzadas, Ochos & Giros - Birthday Dance
There were a surprising number of guests with September birthdays so we were all invited onto the floor to dance with one another !
Barrida, Sacadas & Colgadas - Ramiz Kadjar - July 15, 2018
I had seen Natalya dance the Colgada many times before but had never learn how to dance the step. You can see how off balanced I was when Ramiz surprised me with it towards the end of the dance !!
Ochos, Giros & Flicks - Van Stickle - July 15, 2018
It had been almost half a year since I last danced with Van Stickle, another Argentine Tango instructor. I hope Van comes again to the monthly milongas and that I get a chance to dance with him again.
Giros & Molinete - Tung Duong - June 10, 2018
Below is a video of my first attempt at dancing the molinete. Luckily for me, Tung Duong was an excellent dancer and a great lead. I had several missteps as I was trying it out cold for the first time. Wish I had danced better and am hoping that I will have an opportunity to try it again.
Cadena (Chain) - Ramiz Kadjar - April 18, 2018
The most challenging step that have been taught to date was the Cadena (Chain) step. We got our initial exposure during the pre-milonga group class on April 15, 2018 and had a 2nd session on the 18th. This step requires precision in both footwork and timing. I was thrilled to be able to dance the step with Ramiz towards the close of the class !!!
Sacadas, Ocho Cortada & Giros - Ramiz Kadjar - April 15, 2018
I had taken a private lesson an hour prior to the pre-milonga group class on April 15, 2018. Ramiz danced a complete tanda with me later that evening.
Below is a clip of the 1st dance.
Giros, Cruzadas & Ochos - Ramiz Kadjar
Below is video of highlights of the remainder of my tanda with Ramiz. I danced several giros, cruzadas, ochos and ended with a leg wrap.
Milonga - Craig Wolfe - February 18, 2018
I had a good time at the February 18 Lamplighter Milonga despite the absence of Bob and Robert. I danced with a couple of new people - Dallas, Van and Craig. Below is my attempt at dancing to Milonga music with Craig
Ocho Cortada, Leg Wrap & Paradas - Ramiz Kadjar
I left soon after my tanda with the instructor, Ramiz Kadjar. I finally felt comfortable that I would not fare poorly so long as Ramiz didn't dance any fancy steps that I had not yet learned. It turned out just fine!
I have attended more than half a dozen milongas since last year but the first milonga of 2018 on January 21 at Lamplighter Village was the best one yet.
It was the most I have ever danced. Bob was the first to dance with me. I also danced with Mark, Robert and Barry. My final tanda was with the instructor, Ramiz Kadjar.
This was the first milonga where I really enjoyed myself as I had more dances than ever before. Another memorable bonus was dancing for the first time with a veteran dancer, Jose. I had initially felt apprehensive as Jose was a veteran dancer but he was very gracious. I had never danced so many ganchos before !!!