0003 - Argentine Tango - Gary
I had taken Argentine Tango group lessons years ago with Ramiz but had not danced it for at least a couple of years. Decided it
was time to try dancing it again, this time with a different PRO.
April 8 - Boleos, Molinetes & Shadow Routine
Gary taught me a fancy shadow routine at the end of the first
half hour. I cannot really dance it yet but I know it will look
really great when I do.
April 22 - Boleos, Molinetes, Ganchos & Leg Wrap
Needed more practice on how to dance the shadow routine. Below is video of me dancing boleos, molinetes, ganchos and
leg wrap.
March 4, 2021 - Cortado, Molinetes, Celecita, Planeo
I was thrilled when Gary kept showing me how to dance a few
of the more advanced steps.
March 19 - Boleos, Molinetes, Ganchos & Pierno
I had a great time practicing the steps that Gary had taught me
the previous lesson a couple of weeks ago. I was thrilled when
he taught me how to dance ganchos and pierno.
March 4, 2021 - Salida, Cadencia, Ochos, Boleo, Barrida, Paradas
I was hesitant in the initial few minutes but felt elated once I
started remembering many of the steps.