How to Build Wealth
Wealth is more than just money ... Health and happiness are equally important if not more so sometimes. You don't need to have millions to live a good life.
Financial Wealth
Produce for wealth creation and accumulation.
Invest profits for wealth preservation and growth.
Produce more than you consume
Save a minimum of 20% of all earnings.
Pay yourself first.
Rewards are rare without risks, but take only carefully calculated risks.
Make sure the odds are on your side.
Put the magic power of compound interest to work with every available dollar.
Protect your downside. The upside will take care of itself.
Cut your losses short -- and let your profits run. This takes tremendous discipline.
If the situation is not right in the long term, walk away from it.
Maintain a long term outlook in all endeavors.
Invest only after strict and complete due diligence.
Don’t allow yourself to be rushed.
Make important decisions carefully, consider your gut feelings… then pull the trigger.
Personal Wealth
You’re successful when you like who and what you are.
Success includes achievement… while choosing and directing your own activities.
Enjoy intimate relationships and love what you do in life.
The best investment you will ever make is your steady increase of knowledge.
Invest in yourself. Thirty minutes of study per day eventually makes you an expert in any subject – but only if you apply that knowledge.
Study alone is no substitute for experience. Education is always painfully slow.
For each important action you take, ask yourself if you would be embarrassed if it were published.
It takes a lifetime of effort to build a good reputation but only a moment of stupidity to destroy it.
You are exactly what you believe and think about all day long.
Constantly monitor your thoughts.
Live like you don’t have much time left… but plan as if you’ll live for centuries.
My Life Plan - Going Forward
God blessed me with not only good brains but diligence as well. Our life goals change with the changing seasons of our life. My focus now is on building myself a network of friends, near and far, to share my future.
I have many acquaintances in the past who have gravitated towards me for both professional and personal counsel. I have decided to share some pivotal experiences here on my website with whoever wishes to draw life lessons from them. Glance down the Menu on your left and check out whatever interests you.