Business  Videos

Stand  Out  from  Your  Competition

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  A high definition video must be worth ten thousand words in today's digital age

where there is a constant stream of stimulation competing for attention.  Fast going are the days when words alone can convey

your message.

To survive and thrive in today's world of the internet, YouTube, Facebook and an ever increasing array of social media, you need to

somehow get engaged to compete effectively.

Call or email Margaret if you would like to explore if it is viable for you to promote your products and/or services by having us

produce a product, service, or event promotional video for you.  We are a one-stop service and can assist with scripting the video

as well as hosting it on our website, if desired.

Product  Demo 

Nothing is more convincing to a sales

prospect than an actual demonstration.

You can really reduce your promotional

costs and greatly widen your potential

market by hosting a product demo video

highlighting the special features why

people should buy your products.

For  Rent  or  Sale  by  Owner

Host a video highlighting the very best

features of your house and surrounding

area to  greatly  widen the  reach  for potential buyers.

You can then promote offline via flyers

or a small  paper advertisement while

referring prospects to your video.

This very cost-effective approach will

enable you to level the playing field with

the professional RE agent and save you

a substantial commission.

Service  Demo

Sometimes the only cost-effective way of

marketing your service is to host a video

demo showing your prospects exactly

how you can help them with their problem.

Words alone will not be enough - you need

your potential clients to see for themselves

how you can help them.


It used to be rather cumbersome to show

off your skills at a moment's notice if you   are a musician, singer, or dancer as you

require music setup.

Today, musicians, singers, dance hosts, or dance instructors, especially those who  freelance,  can easily promote themselves by hosting  a video showcasing their skills.    They could then readily and cost-effectively promote their services by linking their social media to the video. 

Event  Promotion

In today's highly competitive market, it is

quite a challenge to keep recurring events

fresh and able to draw new clients.

A very effective approach is to use videos

as a way to project the excitement and involvement that people would feel if they

were to attend.

Partners  for  Business  or  Leisure

You don't know know till you ask.  Many

of us are very hesitant to make the first

move when we need a partner for either

business or leisure.

Those who are seeking partners for either  business  or  leisure  could probably enhance their odds of finding the right person if they were to host a video   featuring their needs.

Special  Situation Videos

Call or email Margaret if you would like to chat about a special situation video.  

Take control today.  Let others know what you are seeking and maybe you will get lucky.  I believe in making your own luck.