004 - Tango with Gary
Tango is one of my favorite dances and I already knew how to dance it well socially. I have, however, always wanted to dance some of the fancier steps that I have seen those who showcase perform. Gary was most accommodating and taught me several exciting steps.
February 20, 2021
Margaret dancing Tango at her home studio at the first hosted
dance of the year.
April 22, 2021 - Fans & Pivots
Danced routines I had previously learned in previous lessons a couple of months back.
September 24, 2020 - Head Flicks & Fallaway
Gary decided to dance an alternate ending to the reverse turn on the routine he had taught me. I also learned a couple of new variations with head flicks and fallaway.
August 6, 2020 - Corte, Viennese Cross & Twist Turn
Most excited to learn a brand new routine incorporating corte, viennese cross and reverse turn into twist turn. I also learned how to dance pivots and a couple of Chase routines.