Life Enrichment Workshops
Don't you sometime wish that you could just phone someone to talk about an issue that is on your mind. You may want some information or seeking a second opinion.
I am a young retiree with an interesting academic and professional background with a Masters majoring in Finance. I was a corporate trainer and business consultant in Singapore prior to being a Commercial Portfolio Manager with Huntington Bank in Florida.
I don't quite know why but folks have always been drawn to me for advice my whole life. I would get family and friends and friends of friends calling
me for advice. Quite often, the issues were personal ones and not just about work or business!
Stimulating discussion by like-minded people is not easy to find. I used to be the Vice President - Education of a Toastmasters Club in Singapore for several years before I left. I had also conducted finance, marketing and management workshops for executives.
Possible Discussion Topics
I have thought long and hard about aging because Tom and I have no children and my mantra in life is Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.
I plan to host hour-long workshops on specific topics of interest to
those attending. Some topics of possible interest for the workshops include : -
* How to Best Age in Place ( Logistics & Finance )
* How to Find the Right Housemate
* Networking as Seniors
YOU Decide
Frequency would depend on demand and would be scheduled just
monthly initially on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Cost is $15 each and a hour-long session can be scheduled any time we have at least 4 people signed up. Session will be extended an additional
15 minutes for every additional person.
Tom will randomly video the discussions for possible posting to either Facebook or the Precious-Video-Moments website. It is your chance to share your views with family & friends, near & far if you so wish.
Life holds no guarantees and to be prepared at least mentally and emotionally is living SMART.
Feel free to check out what I think about some of the suggested topics
as a starting point for discussion during our sessions. Just click on whichever links interest you.
* How to Nurture Your Brain Health as You Age
(Continuing Care Retirement Community)
* Leveraging the Internet to Stay Connected
Please let me know what other topics you would like to bring up for discussion. The only requirement is that we remember to be respectful
of each other and that we can all agree to disagree.
We will focus on topics of concern to those attending rather than esoteric issues. We will also avoid discussing politics or religion and zero in
instead on how probable future policies could affect our lives.
Thanks to the internet, each and every one of us can star in our very own mini productions - dance videos, karaoke videos, travel videos or podcast videos on a topic of your choice.
We can all pretend to be anchors on Fox News or whichever news outlet
you prefer !!!
I will check at the start of the session if anyone preferred not to be
I have no qualms whatsoever in airing my opinions but feel free to withdraw any permission previously given if you change your mind after the session in case you didn't want something you had said publicized.
Call or Email
Call Margaret at (321) 328-0805 for more info if desired. Email with the words "workshops" in the subject
line if you are interested and indicate the topics you would like brought up for discussions.
You are encouraged to bring along your spouse/partner or friends as they might find it enlightening as well as they too might face similar issues. Feel
free to bring along wine or snacks to share, if desired.