Home-Based Business
Many of us were too caught up in building our career and/or raising a family to attempt building a business. Well, our time has finally come now that we are retired.
We now have time, talent and perhaps some start-up funds to start a home-based business instead of just playing golf, watch TV or cruise the internet aimlessly.
The biggest obstacle is that logistics involved (minimum order quantities, shipping costs, marketing etc) severely hamper the start-up home-based business. One effective way to counter this is to create among seniors a resource base where folks can offer their expertise to one another at prices that are viable. Seniors can offer their time and talent at much lower prices to each other because they are not living off the income generated. They are doing this as their part-time home-based business.
Please feel free to email me a brief listing of your home-based products or business services to other seniors. We will be happy to list them for free below : -
Rides for Seniors by Seniors Melbourne, Florida www.your company 321-XXX-XXXX
Reselling Products to Seniors California www.your company XXX-XXX-XXXX
Internet Marketing of Senior Products Anywhere www.your company XXX-XXX-XXXX