Digitizing Your Photos

Photos from Long Ago

Many of us have fond memories of time gone by when we were younger before the internet.  The only mementos we have are photos, many of which are probably faded due to either passage of time or the photos were taken with poor quality cameras by today's standard.

Digitizing  Your  Photos

All is  NOT  lost.  You can convert many photos taken at least a couple of decades ago into digitized images which can then be compiled into a slide show and uploaded onto the internet to share with family, colleagues and friends, near and far, at any time convenient to them.  Click on  Margaret & Tom-Wedding  to see an example of uploaded photos taken back in May 1998.

Sharing Your Past with Far-Flung Family & Friends

Wouldn't it be great to immortalize your precious moments in life and share it with your relatives, friends, colleagues and even acquaintances?

It would be so cool for those who comes after you (grandchildren and their peers) to be able to simply click onto your Autobiographical webpage and view the highlights of your life.

Contact  Margaret

Email  Margaret@precious-video-moments.com or phone her if you are interested to have your pictures digitized and uploaded onto the internet.  Time costs vary depending on number of photos involved.  An additional option is to put the digitized images onto a

disc for you to play on your TV.