Senior-Related Issues
Being 60 & Over
Life certainly isn't over just because you become a senior. Age for the majority of folks is a mental state of mind. It is also a fallacy that you need to be rich in order to retire well. Many people with money are either in poor health or retire too exhausted to enjoy their golden years. Make yourselves a promise to live your lives fully to the last possible moment.
Cultivating A Positive Attitude
Regardless of whether you are a young senior just past
55 or a more mature one, it is imperative that we are
proactive if we want our retirement to be enjoyable.
Our primary focus must be our health and safety, followed
closely by how we can stay connected intellectually as
well as emotionally with one another.
All seniors share common concerns as well as gender-
specific issues. Focus also shifts depending on whether
you live alone or are a couple, have children living nearby
or are childless.
My objective is to help seniors of different backgrounds
and interests connect with each other to mutually enrich
their lives.
Click on the sitemap to get to whichever issues interest
you. Email us your suggestions on topics of interest
to you.
Living Alone
Many people and not only seniors are at home alone when
other family members are at work or play. There are many
monitoring services available which offer both the seniors
and their loved ones peace of mind that help is only a click
Seniors who have subscribed to these senior alert systems
as well as others who are considering them are welcomed
to submit their comments so others can learn from their
We hope that you will subscribe to be notified of any new senior-related issues.